Hey Look, It's Me!

Andrew Schechtman-Rook

Andrew Schechtman-Rook

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I’m a Data Scientist, with a broad range of experience over all stages of the model lifecycle and with a wide range of data. Past projects include building core models to underwrite credit card approvals, designing and maintaining standalone tools to help analyze data more efficently, and building pipelines to automatically process, align, and stack hundreds of astronomical images.

While in past lives I was a daily user of C++ and (gasp) Fortran77, for the past several years my go-to programming language has been Python. I care deeply about the design and quality of the software I build, I’m familiar with handling problems with datasets large enough to strain the memory of a single machine, and I know just enough distributed computing to get myself thoroughly into trouble.


Part location to share interesting analysis from side-projects, part hub for any opinions I wish to share about the world, and part clearinghouse for rants on things that annoy me, this blog is a centralized place for me to put my writing1. Generally I’m interested in using data to learn new things, trying out new tools and techniques for analysis, and looking skeptically at commonly accepted (or at least unquestioned) wisdom. I make no promises on when (or if) I’ll post anything, but when I get the urge to share here’s where it’ll go. Enjoy!

  1. Years ago I did some analyses specifically about (American) football to help build a portfolio for my initial move into Data Science, which I published online mostly so there would be a paper trail if anyone ever tried to verify my claims. Since then, however, a) my interests have expanded beyond football and b) blogspot kind of sucked, so I figured it made sense to put new material on a different site. This one! 

Hey Look, It's Me!

Andrew Schechtman-Rook

Andrew Schechtman-Rook